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European Hardware Awards / EDITORIAL AWARDS

The European Hardware Awards

The European Hardware Awards are the most important awards given in the technology industry. The awards are given in-person during an award ceremony. These awards are organized by the European Hardware Association. It’s an association that brings together the 9 most important independent technology websites in Europe:

EHA Awards Computex, Taipei, 2015

The European Hardware Awards highlights the very best hardware available in the European market with the winners being announced on the opening day of Computex 2015 in Taipei. 

Experienced editors from all of the EHA member publications went through an exhausting process to arrive at the final list of the best hardware available in each category.

The extensive evaluation and voting process took place throughout May, with the winners being announced during a special presentation in the Elegance Lounge of the Taipei International Convention centre (TICC) at 8pm on 2nd June 2015. The TICC is located right next to the Grand Hyatt hotel, in the shadow of the iconic Taipei 101 building.

Award Ceremonies

Annual selection of the very best hardware products available in the European market – chosen by over 100 experienced editors – as well as the European Hardware Community awards.

EHA Editorial Awards Methodology

This is an overview of the principles of good research practice that all EHA projects adhere to in order to determine the best technology hardware being sold in the region every year.

Historical Context

The EHA’s member sites have published hundreds of thousands of expert articles for many years. During that time, various localised research has taken place. When the EHA was formed 5 years ago, it was decided to combine our resources to allow for largescale, coherent research utilising our aggregated audience of more than 20 million technology enthusiasts, early adopters and influencers. We also launched the EHA Annual Editorial Awards

At the General Meeting held in the first quarter of every year (Q1), the founders of all the publications meet together to analyse previous projects and to plan new research for the year to come – including the EHA Annual Editorial Awards and the EHA Hardware Purchase Intentions Survey.

With a huge team of experienced editors, the EHA is uniquely positioned to determine the best hardware products on sale in Europe during the present year. The best options in each category are recognised as finalists, when the nominations are made public. The overall ‘Best in Category’ is announced at a special ceremony.

The product categories that are agreed at the Q1 General Meeting, are sent to over 100 editors who work for the EHA publications.
Every editor can nominate the products that they believe are the best in each category.
Each publication then tallies the nominations and makes that list available to the EHA as a whole.
The nominations are all made and disseminated at the same time, so no publication is aware of its neighbour’s choices ahead of time.
The EHA Steering Committee then creates a ‘master list’, based on the most popular choices.
There are typically around 5 choices in each category. It’s also worth noting that the product each country puts top of its list for a category, will definitely be entered into the final ballot.
The products/manufacturers on the final list are called the EHA Awards Finalists. A copy of this final voting form (as an Excel spreadsheet) is then sent to each EHA member publication and voting begins (see below for details).
The sheets are all sent back to the EHA Steering Committee at the same time and the votes are brought together to establish the winner.


Editors do not have to vote in every category, but they have the option. If you vote in a category, then you have to allocate 10 points. No product can score more than 4 points. This system prevents ‘run away scores’ when only a handful of people really like a specific product. For a product to win, it must generally do well across all nine EHA member publications.

Although very unusual, it is possible to have a tie in a specific category. In that case, the Steering Committee will re-send the tied options to each publication and ask them to choose between the options. Over the past 5 years, we have never had a tied situation that wasn’t settled at this stage.

The winners of the EHA Annual Editorial Awards are announced at a special presentation on the evening before Computex opens its doors